

学会企画 細菌学若手コロッセウム

[WCB] 【共催】細菌学若手コロッセウム―未来を拓く若手細菌学研究―

2022年3月29日(火) 14:30 〜 19:30 チャンネル2

コンビーナー:宮腰 昌利(筑波大学),一色 理乃(早稲田大学),柴田 敏史(鳥取大学),佐藤 豊孝(北海道大学),福田 昭(酪農学園大学)

[WCB-10] The assembly mechanism and structures of Type V pili

柴田 敏史1,庄子 幹郎3,Matthias Wolf2,藤井 潤1 (1鳥取大・医・感染制御・細菌学,2生体分子電子顕微鏡解析ユニット・沖縄科学技術大学院大学,3長崎大・医歯薬学総合・口腔病原微生物)

Adhesive pili are important for bacterial colonization, biofilm formation, and virulence. The class Bacteroidia bacteria including a periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis, have unique pili that are categorized as the type V pilus. Recent our X-ray crystallography of monomer pilins of Bacteroidia bacteria and cryo-electron microscopy analysis of polymerized pilins of Fim pilus of P. gingivalis revealed that that the protease-mediated strand exchange of pilins is involved in the type V pilus polymerization at the cell surface. We present cryo-EM structures of other type V pili besides Fim pilus that are currently being analyzed and discuss the similarities and differences in those structures and polymerization mechanisms.