The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology




Plenary Lecture

Prof. Yukiko Gotoh (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science, The University of Tokyo)

"Cell fate switches and mechanisms behind - neural stem cells and viral infection- "

Prof. Ulrike Kutay(Institute of Biochemistry, ETH, Switzerland)

"Taking apart the nuclear envelope for open mitosis"
The lecture will be given online)

Prof. Tamotsu Yoshimori (Osaka University)

" 15 years of Autophagy: towards understanding the cellular self-degradation system fighting against disease and aging"



Co-sponsored by
Gran-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas

"Chromosome structure and genome modality"  [E]

Kazuhiro Maeshima (NIG), Tomoko Nishiyama (Nagoya University)

Co-sponsored by
Gran-in Aid for Scientific Research on Innoverive Areas

Replication of non-genomic codes

Kei-ichiro Ishiguro (Kumamoto University)


​The world of signal transduction that regulates a wide variety of biological phenomena

Hidetaka Kosako (Tokushima University), Hiroshi Hanafusa (Nagoya University)

Co-sponsored by
Gran-in Aid for Scientific Research on Innoverive Areas

From oocytes to embryos: deciphering totipotency

Atsuo Ogura (RIKEN), Masahito Ikawa  (Osaka University)

Co-sponsored by AMED-CREST/PRIME

Understanding and medical application of proteostasis
-From proteostasis to organelle homeostasis-

Kazuhiro Nagata (JT Biohistory Research Hall)

​Microtubule dynamics and higher biological functions:
Toward understanding pathogenesis and pathophysiology

Masami Yamada (University of Fukui), Gohta Goshima (Nagoya University)

Co-sponsored by
Gran-in Aid for Scientific Research on Innoverive Areas

Cutting edge of study on multimode autophagy

Hitoshi Nakatogawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Naonobu Fujita (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

​Advances of mitochondria biology

Tomotake Kanki (Niigata University), Miyuki Sato (Gunma University)

Co-sponsored by
Gran-in Aid for Scientific Research on Innoverive Areas

​New frontier in ubiquitin research

Yasushi Saeki (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science)

​"Towards a better understanding of biological phenomena based on interorganism interactions"  [E]

Hiroshi Ohno (RIKEN), Shunsuke Kimura (Keio University)

​The research stream for principles of eukaryotic cells

Tetsuya Higashiyama (University of Tokyo), Takashi Ueda (National Institute for Basic Biology)

Co-sponsored by
Gran-in Aid for Scientific Research on Innoverive Areas

"​Nuclear structures to modulate chromatin potential"  [E]

Yasushi Hiraoka (Osaka University), Tokuko Haragichi (Osaka University)


"​New perspective in adhesion phenomena underlying multicellular systems"   [E]

Hironobu Fujiwara (RIKEN), Erina Kuranaga (Tohoku University)

​Epigenetic regulation of cancer

Noriko Saitoh (The Cancer Institute of JFCR), Reo Maruyama (The Cancer Institute of JFCR)

Co-sponsored by CREST

​"Explication of spatiotemporal multicellular dynamics by developing new technology"  [E]

Fumiko Toyoshima (Kyoto University)

Co-sponsored by
Gran-in Aid for Scientific Research on Innoverive Areas

Interplay between theoretical physics and cell biology experiments

Yasushi Okada (RIKEN/Unioversity of Tokyo)