Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Tue. Sep 3, 2019 2:55 PM - 4:25 PM I-1 (幸町北3号館 311講義室)

座長:佐藤 太裕(北海道大学)

[I-15] Spectral stochastic FEM using homogenized diffusion coefficients on microstructure with spatial shape variation

*紅露 一寛1、阿部 和久1、浅井 浅井 洸太朗1 (1. 国立大学法人新潟大学)

Keywords:Homogenized diffusion coefficients, spatial shape variation of inclusion, spectral stochastic FEM, spectral stochastic BEM

In the present study, we develop the simulation method for calculating the homogenized diffusion coefficients on the microstructure with the inclusion with spatial shape variation. The spatial shape variation of the inclusion is modeled using the Karhunen-Loeve expansion with standard normal distribution. The homogenized diffusion coefficients is calculated using the spectral stochastic boundary element method. The macroscopic behavior of the homogenized diffusion problems is simulated using the spectral stochastic FEM. The validation of the present method is investigated through numerical tests.

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