

[共通セッション] International Session (国際セッション)


座長:Goit Chandra Shekhar(埼玉大学)

[CS2-30] 地震発生に伴う軟弱地盤上盛土内部の動的挙動解明を目的とした実験的研究

〇村井 佑次1、権代 知輝1、ピパットポンサー ティラポン1、北岡 貴文2、大津 宏康3 (1.京都大学、2.関西大学、3.松江工業高等専門学校)


The Tohoku earthquake occurred on 11th March 2011 led to catastrophic devastations including liquefactions underneath embankments which was located on the impermeable ground. Many researches focused on the liquefaction occured at ground have been conducted before 2011. However, this huge earthquake led to the liquefaction inside embankment, therefore the research focusing on the liquefaction inside embankment would be important for preparedness of the coming huge earthquakes but such few researches have been done at this moment. This research focuses on the initial stress distribution and aim to research the relationship between liquefaction occurrence and initial stress condition.

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