


[SL] 特別講演

Computational autonomous synthesis of robot mechanisms – challenge and response
Yoon Young Kim

2023年6月1日(木) 16:00 〜 17:00 特別講演会場 (1F Leo Esaki メインホール)

6月1日 (木) に、2022年度計算工学大賞を受賞された韓国・ソウル国立大学の Yoon Young Kim 教授の特別講演及び計算工学大賞授賞式を開催致します。

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Yoon Young Kim
Distinguished Professor, Integrated Design & Analysis Laboratory for Multi-physics Systems, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea.

Mechanisms are mechanical components that convert an input motion (force) to the desired, possibly complicated, motion (force). Undoubtfully, they critically affect the mechanical performance of machines or robots that are equipped with them. However, it has been so far impossible to generate or design mechanisms without any initial design especially if they are rigid-body mechanisms allowing large motion and high-force transmission. Unlike structural design problems that are now tackled by the structural topology optimization method, the design of rigid-body mechanisms has still remained impregnable.

In this talk, I will answer the following questions:
1) “why is there no computational method of autonomous mechanism synthesis that simultaneously determines mechanism topology and dimensions?”,
2) “what different thinking is needed in exploring this new approach - the autonomous mechanisms synthesis?”, and
3) “Can this method be practically helpful in the design of robot mechanisms such as wearable exoskeletons and transformable wheel robots?”

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