The 50th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists



Oral Presentation 08
Stem cell, Germ cell

2017年5月11日(木) 13:00 〜 15:00 Room E (2F 福寿)

Chairpersons: Kunimasa Ohta (Kumamoto Univ.) / Shoen Kume (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)

13:48 〜 14:00

[OP08-05] 細胞死阻害を利用した異なる発生段階の細胞によるキメラ形成

Hideki Masaki1, Tomoyuki Yamaguchi1, Hiromitsu Nakauchi1,2 (1.Center for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, 2.Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Department of Gen etics, Stanford University)

キーワード:chimera、pluripotent stem cell、apoptosis

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