The 70th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education

Presentation information

Research lecture

Research Lecture IV

[3C] (02) Education resources and systems -IV

Fri. Sep 9, 2022 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM C room

Chair: Yuzuru ITO (Setsunan University)
Second Chair: Junichi Tsuchiya (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

[3C07] Examination of Science and Engineering Education based on Flow Theory

Verification of Evaluation Index for the Fundamental Skills of a Working Adult

○Yoshinori TOKOI1, Takehito KATO1, Tomoaki KOUYA1, Akio TANAKA1 (1. National institute of Technology, Oyama College)

Keywords:Flow Theory, Bloom's Taxonomy, Science and Engineering Education, Fundamental Skills of a Working Adult

In research on science and engineering Education based on flow theory, we created a rubric to evaluate the fundamental skills of a working adult based on Bloom's Taxonomy, and tried to quantify the fundamental skills of a working adult. As a result, it became possible to objectively evaluate the fundamental skills of a working adult.

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