


Oral Session 1-12D CLL

2018年10月12日(金) 16:20 〜 17:20 第12会場 (大阪国際会議場 10F 1006-7)

Chair: Naoki Mori (Tokyo Women's Medical University, Japan)


[OS1-12D-6] Outcomes of standard of care regimens in treatment-naive CLL patients with unmutated IGHV genes

Paolo Ghia1, Peter Hillmen2, Carol Moreno3, Stephan Stilgenbauer4, Thomas Webb5, Anil Lohnde6, Angela Howes5, Michelle Mahler6, Nishan Sengupta6, Mark Wildgust6 (1.Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele and IRCCS Istituto Scientifico San Raffaele, Milano, Italian Republic, 2.The Leeds Teaching Hospitals, St James Institute of Oncology, Leeds, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 3.Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain, 4.Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology, University of Ulm, Ulm, Federal Republic of Germany, 5.Janssen Research & Development, High Wycombe, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 6.Janssen Research and Development, Raritan, United States of America)

パスワードは「第80回日本血液学会学術集会 プログラム抄録集のプログラム検索・スケジュール登録アプリのご案内ページ」に記載してあります。
