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AbbVie is a global, research-driven biopharmaceutical company committed to developing innovative advanced therapies for some of the world’s most complex and critical conditions.

Pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency may be underrecognized, but should be considered in patients with hemolysis who lack evidence of an acquired immune disorder. Visit the Agios exhibit to learn ...
Committed to Improving the Lives of Patients Worldwide
Our vision as a company is to build a major global biopharmaceutical corporation while focusing on the discovery, the development, and the co...
The Cosmo Clean Zone series has been in operation for over 30 years We are patronized as an infection prevention aseptic device at medical sites nationwide. To respond accurately to customer needs ...
CSL Behring is a global biotechnology leader with the broadest range of quality medicines in the industry and substantial markets throughout the world. One of the our therapies are indicated for He...
We display about indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma.Please feel free to come.
医療業界でのお仕事情報は、『医療人材ネット』と『医療転職.com』にお任せください。自分に合った働き方をお探しの方や、医療業界でキャリアのある人材をお探しの病院・企業の双方をサポートします。 ■病院を対象にしたお仕事情報サイト ⇒ 『医療人材ネット』 ■製薬会社・医療機器会社など企業を対象にしたお仕事情報サイト ⇒ 『医療転職.com』

Filgen has been offering many analysis services utilizing various technologies such as microarray or next generation sequencing (NGS). With the receint strong interest in single-cell analysis, Filg...
FUJIFILM Wako exhibition booth, we offer a wide range of contract services from tools such as exosomes, repertoire analysis, and next-generation sequencing analysis to drug testing using mouse mode...
弊社は主に、「ドクターズコンシェルジュ」というコンシェルジュサービスを提供し、医院の開業や独立支援、税金対策、資産運用のサポートをさせて頂いております。 本業に専念しているあまり、自身の相続や事業継承対策、大切な資産を守り育てる資産運用ができないのが現状です。そんな多忙なドクターの方々により身近に相談できるコンシェルジュとして、本サービスを展開して以来、年間20~30の学会に出展させて頂き、...