


シンポジウム2 鉄代謝と貧血update

2019年10月11日(金) 09:00 〜 11:10 第4会場 (東京国際フォーラム 5F ホールB5(1))

座長:鈴木 隆浩(北里大学血液内科), 生田 克哉(旭川医科大学第三内科)

[SY2-2] Iron refractory iron deficiency anemia: pathophysiology and clinical management

Dorine W. Swinkels (Laboratory Medicine, Radboud University Medical Center, Netherlands)

Dorine W. Swinkels is a full professor in Experimental Clinical Chemistry at the Radboud university medical centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. She is trained as MD and (bio)chemist and she specialized in Laboratory Medicine. Her research aims at a better understanding of iron metabolism, in particular the identification and characterization of novel factors that affect dysregulation of iron homeostasis in kidney diseases and rare inherited iron disorders. She is specifically interested to translate novel findings into novel diagnostic assays and therapeutic strategies that can be implemented in the clinic. Among her recent achievements and activities are the development and standardization of serum assays for the iron regulatory hormone peptide hepcidin, and for toxic iron species that are currently subject of translational studies. She is the (co-) author of around 320 peer-reviewed publications and chapters in Dutch and international Hematology and Clinical Chemistry textbooks. She is the director of the “Radboudumc Expertise Center for Iron Disorders” and a (co) coordinator of the subtheme “Hemochromatosis and other rare genetic disorders of iron metabolism and heme synthesis” of the European Reference Network (ERN) “EuroBloodnet”.

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