水文・水資源学会 日本水文科学会2023年度研究発表会

Presentation information



[PP-1-1] ポスターセッション コアタイム グループ(1)

Mon. Sep 4, 2023 5:25 PM - 6:55 PM ポスターA (101(c)/107)

[PP-1-1-22] Positioning of the October 2017 Typhoon 21 Internal Flooding in the Global Warming Projections

*Hisanori Kusuhara1, Ryoukei Azuma2, Kohji Tanaka3 (1. Osaka Institute of Technology Graduate School, 2. Osaka Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, 3. Hyogo Prefectural University Graduate School, Osaka Institute of Technology)

Keywords:d4PDF, climate change, inland flood, frequency of occurrence

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