

English Session » Free Paper (International)

Free Paper 8 AKI

2014年2月28日(金) 17:10 〜 18:00 第8会場 (国立京都国際会館 1F Room C-1)

Chair:Michiaki Yamakage(Department of Anesthesiology, Sapporo Medical University, Japan)、Sang-Bum Hong(Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea)

[IO-8-1] How low is too low? The lower limit of intensity to control uremia during CRRT

Hideto Yasuda1,4,Shigehiko Uchino2,4,Masamitsu Sanui3,4 (1.Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Kameda Medical Center, Japan 2.Intensive Care Unit, Department of Anesthesiology, Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan 3.Intensive Care Unit, Department of Anesthesiology, Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University, Saitama, Japan 4.Japanese Society of Education for Physicians and Trainees in Intensive Care, Japan)

