



2016年9月9日(金) 13:10 〜 14:10 第4会場 (ソニックシティビル 4F 401・402会議室 )

座長:村田 勝俊(シーメンスヘルスケア株式会社)

八木 一夫1,2,3
Kazuo Yagi1,2,3, Atsuya Ikeda2, Naoyuki Kurimoto2, Masashi Ueda1, Madoka Nanao1, Seiichi Sugimoto3, Tadashi Inaba2
(1.首都大学東京 大学院 人間健康科学研究科 放射線学域
1.Division of Radiological Sciences, Graduate School of Human Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2.Graduate School of Engineering, Mie University, 3.Medical and Welfare Engineering,Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technolog)

三賀山 諒司1
Ryoji Mikayama1, Hidetake Yabuuchi1, Ryoji Matsumoto2, Koji Kobayashi2, Yasuo Yamashita2, Mitsuhiro Kimura1, Satoshi Kawanami3, Hiroshi Honda3
(1.九州大学大学院 医学系学府 保健学専攻
1.Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, 2.Division of Radiology, Department of Medical Technology, Kyushu University Hospital, 3.Department of Clinical Radiology, Graduate school of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University)

木村 光宏1
Mitsuhiro Kimura1, Hidetake Yabuuchi1, Ryoji Matsumoto2, Koji Kobayashi2, Yasuo Yamashita2, Ryoji Mikayama1, Satoshi Kawanami3, Hiroshi Honda3
(1.九州大学大学院 医学系学府 保健学専攻
1.Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, 2.Division of Radiology, Department of Medical Technology, Kyushu University Hospital, 3.Department of Clinical Radiology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University)

内藤 舞1
Mai Naito1, Sari Motomatsu1, Yoshinobu Nunokawa1, Yasutomi Shimada1, Takashi Asakura1, Souta Oguro2, Hirokazu Fujiwara2, Shigeo Okuda2, Masahiro Jinnzaki2, Atsushi Nozaki3
(1.慶應義塾大学病院 放射線技術室
1.Office of Radiation Technology, Keio University Hospital, 2.Department of Ragiology, Keio University School of Medicine, 3.MR Applications and workflow, Asia Pacific, GE Health Care Japan)