

AP Target Symposium

AP Target Symposium 1 (I-APT1)
Dealing with the borderline Left Ventricle - What are the requirements for biventricular circulation, and how to get there?

2017年7月7日(金) 14:35 〜 16:05 第3会場 (1F 展示イベントホール Room 3)

座長:金 成海(静岡県立こども病院循環器科)
座長: Bing Jia(Department of Pediatric Cardiology, FuDan University, Shanghai, China)

14:35 〜 16:05

[I-APT1-04] The Borderline Left Ventricle: Surgery for the Aortic Valve and the Ventricular Outlet

James D St Louis (Department of Surgery Children's Mercy Hospital, USA)

キーワード:Cardiac Surgery, Left Ventricle, Aortic Valve

Hypoplasia of left heart structures, including the left
ventricular mass, the left ventricular outflow tract, aortic valve, and the
aorta is associated with both an increase mortality following surgical
intervention as all as the need for single ventricle palliation strategies.
Studies have indicated that hypoplasia of left heart structures are related to
left sided obstructive lesions. In patients with borderline left ventricular
mass and obstruction at various levels of the left ventricular outflow tract,
correction of these lesions may allow for successful biventricular repair. This
presentation will explore both palliative and definitive surgical procedures
that address these left sided obstructive lesions in the setting of a small
left ventricle.