



画像診断 1

2018年7月5日(木) 17:30 〜 18:40 第2会場 (301)

座長:石川 友一(福岡市立こども病院 循環器センター 循環器科)
座長:脇 研自(倉敷中央病院 小児科)

[I-OR01-06] The novel approach by Vector Flow Mapping for the assessment of intraventricular pressure gradients in congenital heart disease

瀧聞 浄宏, 安河内 聰, 武井 黄大, 内海 雅史, 中村 太地, 川村 順平, 浮網 聖実, 前澤 身江子 (長野県立こども病院 循環器小児科)

キーワード:echocardiography, IVPG, LV suction

【Background】Intraventricular pressure gradient reflects early diastolic sucking produced by elastic recoil, which is well known calculated from color M mode Doppler echocardiography. It is one of the important echocardiographic diastolic parameters. But, calculation for C-IVPG is complicated, then it is not easy to use in daily practice. Recently, novel IVPG measurement used by Vector Flow Mapping (V-IVPG) was developed, which enable for us to apply the assessments of diastolic active sucking practically.【Aim】The aim of this study is to investigate the feasibility and efficacy of V-IVPG for assessments of early diastolic function in congenital heart disease. 【Subjects and Methods】27 patients (age: median 9 years ranged from 3 to 20 yrs; 14 male) were enrolled. Color M mode and 2D color mapping images in left ventricular 4 chamber or 3 chamber view were acquired. C-IVPGs were calculated from velocity information of ventricular inflow in color M mode Doppler using Euler's equation, while V-IVPGs were measured from intraventricular relative pressure distribution using Navier-Stokes equation.【Results】V-IVPGs are well correlated with C-IVPGs significantly (V-IVPG=0.58xC-IVPG+0.03, r=0.77, p<0.0001). The bias between Corrected V-IVPG (0.58xV-IVPG) and C-IVPG was -0.05, and Limits of agreement was ranged from -1.1 to 1.0. 【Conclusion】V-IVPG could be feasible and useful echocardiographic parameter for assessment of active sucking in congenital heart disease.