



2017年12月16日(土) 16:00 〜 17:50 A会場 (メインホール)

座長:古市 保志(国際交流委員会委員長、北海道医療大学 歯周歯内治療学分野)、齋藤 淳(国際交流委員会副委員長、東京歯科大学 歯周病学講座)

[IS-1] Greeting from JSP

Hidemi Kurihara (President, Japanese Society of Periodontology)


We, all member of Japanese Society of Periodontology (JSP), are very happy to have distinguished guests and leaders from around the world for the JSP diamond anniversary (60th anniversary) here in Kyoto. JSP was established in 1957 and developed based on basic and clinical researches to contribute to promoting health with our scientific products. We have learned many of the latest techniques and knowledge through collaboration with our elder brothers, the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) and the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP). We have also developed personal relationships. The Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology (APSP) was established by distinguished researchers and clinicians, such as emeritus professors Dr. Isao Ishikawa and Dr. Hiroshi Okada. The Korean Academy of Periodontology (KAP) is an old friend next door. We share very similar social environments surrounding periodontology, and developed each other through scientific exchange and human relationships. The Chinese Society of Periodontology (CSP) is a new friend and will have good collaboration on science and on extending of good periodontal treatments. Also, we have strong activity in the International Association of Dental Science (IADR) to contribute to the development of dental science through basic and clinical periodontal researches. The development of periodontal medicine is changing the value of periodontal research and periodontal treatment dramatically. Basic science, especially molecular biology, has rapidly and totally changed the medical field. Now, molecular treatment, tissue regeneration therapy (cell-based therapy) and personal medicine (genome big data analyses) are also changing our fields of periodontology/ periodontal treatment. At the same time, Japan has entered into super-aged society and is developing periodontal treatment for super-aged persons. We will start to share our knowledge with Korea and Taiwan very soon. In the APSP group, there are many developing countries that need to establish and extend the latest periodontal treatment to the whole country under the concept of periodontal medicine. JSP has started to translate our clinical guideline to English. You may find our JSP clinical guideline on our English website (http://www.perio.jp/english/). APSP members should emphasize the value of periodontal treatment to medical staffs and their governments during the establishment and extension of periodontal treatment in their countries. JSP is happy and welcome to help the development of research and education of periodontology in the developing countries of Asia. We recently develop a network system, “International Alumnus of JSP (JSPia)”. We will inform you of international activity of JSP through JSPia.
Genetic or molecular diagnosis of aggressive periodontitis is also very important in developing periodontology. JSP, AAP, APSP, EFP, KAP and CSP have to collaborate to establish common diagnosis in the world and also need to find the difference of disease status among countries and races. Furthermore, patients with aggressive periodontitis and generalized severe periodontitis will be the candidates for novel regeneration treatments such as mesenchymal stem cell transplantation. We need a collaboration system to evaluate the effects of periodontal treatment on improvement or prevention of some systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and non-alcohol steatohepatitis (NASH) as well as diabetes mellitus (DM). Simple clinical indicators, that can express the entire influence of periodontitis to the whole body, is strongly required for collaboration with medical doctors or medical staffs. A database of patients with chronic periodontitis with new and common indicators may help us to propose a new medical policy for all of you.