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血友病製剤臨床試験/New Hemophilia Drugs: Clinical Trials

2020年6月20日(土) 10:05 〜 11:05 第3会場

座長:藤井 輝久(広島大学病院輸血部・血友病診療センター), 西田 恭治(独立行政法人国立病院機構大阪医療センター感染症内科)

[O-082] Clinical experience with BIVV001, a new class of factor VIII (FVIII) replacement therapy for hemophilia A

Azusa Nagao1, Barbara A. Konkle2, Amy Shapiro3, Doris V. Quon4, Janice M. Staber5, Roshni Kulkarni6, Margaret V. Ragni7, Toshko Lissitchkov8, Ekta Seth Chhabra9, Stacey Poloskey9, Stella Lin9, Suresh Katragadda9, Craig Benson9, Annemieke Willemze10 (1.Ogikubo Hospital, Japan, 2.Bloodworks Northwest and University of Washington, United States of America, 3.Indiana Hemophilia & Thrombosis Center, Inc., United States of America, 4.Orthopaedic Hemophilia Treatment Center, United States of America, 5.University of Iowa, United States of America, 6.Department of Pediatrics and Human Development, Michigan State University, United States of America, 7.Department of Medicine and Hemophilia Center of Western PA, University of Pittsburgh, United States of America, 8.Department of Chemotherapy, Hemotherapy and Hereditary Blood Diseases at Clinical Hematology Clinic, Specialized Hospital for Active Treatment of Hematological Diseases, United States of America, 9.Sanofi, United States of America, 10.Sanofi, Netherlands)


