09:10 〜 09:40
*Samuli Autti1,2 (1. Lancaster University, Department of Physics, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 2. QUEST-DMC collaboration, United Kingdom)
2022年8月24日(水) 09:10 〜 10:40 Hall 1 (Main Hall A)
09:10 〜 09:40
*Samuli Autti1,2 (1. Lancaster University, Department of Physics, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 2. QUEST-DMC collaboration, United Kingdom)
09:40 〜 10:10
Xi \ Zhang1, Wei Ren1, Mitchell Luskin1, Efthimios Kaxiras2, Jason Petta3, Philip Kim2, *Ke Wang1 (1. University of Minnesota, 2. Harvard University, 3. Princeton University)
10:10 〜 10:40
*Qiong Ma1 (1. Boston college)
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