MMIJ & EARTH 2017, Sapporo

Presentation information (2017/08/24 Ver.)

Poster (MMIJ General)


Tue. Sep 26, 2017 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Poster Room1, Seminar Room & Foyer (Fl.2.,Build.Frontier, Seminar Room2 & Foyer)

3:30 PM - 5:30 PM

[P1-01] Effect of microbubble injection for CO2 dissolution in long core experiment

○Hyuck PARK1, Lanlan JIANG1, Tamotsu KIYAMA1, Ziqiu XUE1 (1. Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth)

Keywords:microbubble, supercritical CO2, X-ray CT, Berea sandstone, long core specimen

To study the effect of microbubble injection for CO2 dissolution, we carried out laboratory experiments of CO2 flooding in porous sandstone. In this research, we confirm the effect of microbubbling and confirm how long microbubble effect will be continued by using long core sample (Berea sandstone). In this sample, bedding planes parallel to the core axis are developed, and these bedding planes were set to be horizontal. The micro bubble filter was set on the upstream side of the sample so as to be in contact with the sample. The experiments were carried out under the pressure and temperature conditions that simulate underground environments; pore pressure: 1MPa, temperature: 4 degrees Celsius. The confining pressure of 15MPa was selected in this study. Using X-ray CT image analysis, porosity estimation and CO2 saturation monitoring were conducted. When comparing the CO2 saturations at breakthrough, a difference of about 5% points is observed between microbubble case and normal bubble case. Particularly, in the process of injecting CO2 up to about 1.5PV, the microbubble case showed remarkably high CO2 saturation at the sample center part of 2 to 17 mm. The result of this research reveals that injection of microbubble CO2 will promote CO2 dissolution more and we expect it will be a technology that can contribute in the future CCS project.




