資源・素材 & EARTH 2017(札幌)


若手ポスター発表(Poster:MMIJ Students and Young Researchers)

高温素材プロセッシング(High-temperature materials processing)

2017年9月26日(火) 15:30 〜 17:30 ポスター会場1 セミナー室・ホワイエ (フロンティア棟2F/Fl. 2.,Build.Frontier, Seminar Room2 & Foyer)

15:30 〜 17:30

[PY1-67] Effect of aluminum carbides on carbothermal reduction of alumina

○Amina Chahtou1, Rabie Benioub1, Lihaowen Zeng1, Hidekazu Kobatake1, Kenji Itaka1 (1. Hirosaki University)

キーワード:Carbothermic reduction, Alumina, Silica

The carbothermic reduction process is the attractive method for the low-cost production from oxides.
In the case of carbothermic reduction process of silica, the silicon carbides have an important role as intermediate product to increase the ratio of SiO gas.
In this study, we investigated the Effect of aluminum carbides on carbothermal reduction of alumina.
The adding of alumina carbides caused the increase of the aluminum product.
We will discuss the role of intermediated products of oxy-carbides and Al2O gas.




