
講演情報(2018年7月31日付 確定版)



2018年9月12日(水) 13:00 〜 17:00 第3会場 (A棟 1階 A13講義室)

司会:陳 友晴(京都大学)

14:40 〜 15:10

[3309-15-04] 水圧破砕に関する最近のJOGMECの研究活動の紹介

○田村 浩平1、伊藤 義治1、有馬 雄太郎1、田中 浩之1、高木 是1、Sharma Mukul2、Agrawal Shivam2、石田 毅3、陳 友晴3、直井 誠3 (1. 独立行政法人石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構、2. The University of Texas at Austin、3. 京都大学)

司会:陳 友晴(京都大学)


Unconventional Oil & Gas Technology Division, JOGMEC has studied hydraulic fracturing, which is a technology commonly used in the development of unconventional oil & gas reservoirs, especially shale oil & gas. In this presentation, recent JOGMEC’s researches related to hydraulic fracturing will be introduced, especially focusing on hydraulic fracturing simulations conducted as a joint study with The University of Texas at Austin and Kyoto University. In addition, an overview of meter-order hydraulic fracturing experiment which JOGMEC conducted will be shown.
Under low oil & gas prices, it is needed to develop shale oil & gas reservoir effectively with lower cost for operators. Predicting how hydraulic fractures propagate by utilizing hydraulic fracturing simulation is one of techniques which can contribute to such a development. In addition, for such a simulation, either qualitatively or quantitatively, it must be useful to understand beforehand which parameter has an effect on the propagation of hydraulic fractures. Then, JOGMEC started collaborating with The University of Texas at Austin and Kyoto University in order to identify the key parameter affecting the propagation of hydraulic fractures last year. As the first step, we tried to reproduce hydraulically induced fracture patterns observed on the thin section derived from a series of laboratory experiments conducted by Kyoto University (Ishida et al., 2016) by using peridynamics-based hydraulic fracturing simulator which has been developed by The University of Texas at Austin (e.g. Ouchi et al., 2017). Our simulation successfully reproduced observed characteristics of hydraulic fracture patterns.




