一般社団法人資源・素材学会 2023年度 春季大会

講演情報(2023年2月3日付 確定版)


【企画講演】 招請講演:日本鉱業協会 現場担当者会議,日本メタル経済研究所 調査研究成果報告会より(地球・資源分野)

2023年3月15日(水) 13:00 〜 14:30 第1会場 (6号館 1階 614)

司会:安達 毅(秋田大学)

13:30 〜 14:00

[3K0108-10-02] 鹿児島県岩戸鉱山西方岩戸山地区における含金珪酸鉱の探鉱活動

○越田 渓子1、仲井 亮平2、佐藤 颯哉3、喜多村 陽4、高倉 伸一5 (1. JX金属株式会社、2. 春日鉱山株式会社、3. JX Nippon Mining & Metals Exploration Peru S.A.C.、4. JX金属探開株式会社、5. 国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所)

司会:安達 毅(秋田大学)


Silicified ore, used for flux at the copper smelters in Japan, often contains gold(Au). Today, only a few mines in Japan produce and sell Au-bearing silicified ore to copper smelters, and their importance are becoming increasing. The Iwado mine, one of the few mines, is the high-sulfidation type deposit located in the Nansatsu district, southwestern Kagoshima prefecture. Although it is known that the silicified rocks occurred in the Iwado-yama area at the western end of the Iwado mine, its potential(volume and Au grade) has not been evaluated quantitively due to lack of exploration data both in quality and in quantity. JX Nippon Mining & Metals Corp. carried out geological, geochemical and electrical resistivity surveys for revealing the silicified ore extent in the Iwado-yama area. The results showed that the ore body is distributed in a northeast-southwest direction along the Iwado-yama mountain ridge and thinner toward the southwest. Geochemical survey showed the silicified rocks in this area could serve as flux for smelters, and in terms of Au the historical drilling information encourages further exploration activities. In order to outline the ore body and to estimate Au content, further drilling surveys should be conducted, and hopefully result in additional ore reserves for the Iwado mine.




