MMIJ 2023,Matsuyama

Presentation information (2023/08/10 Ver.)

Poster presentation session

14:30-17:00 (Poster session) Mineral processing / Recycling

Wed. Sep 13, 2023 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM [Poster session room : Mineral processing / Recycling] 2F, EL23, Common Lecture Hall C

2:30 PM - 5:00 PM

[P022C] [Student presentation: Master’s course] Selective flotation of copper-molybdenum concentrate in seawater using sodium metabisulfite as a depressant for copper

○Akbarshokh Ulmaszoda1, Gde Pandhe Wisnu Suyantara2, Hajime Miki2, Daishi Ochi3, Yuji Aoki3, Kumika Ura3, Daniyarov Berdakh1, Eska Putra Dwitama1, Keiko Sasaki2, Tsuyoshi Hirajima2 (1. Graduate school of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University、2. Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University、3. SUMITOMO METAL MINING CO., LTD.)

Keywords:selective flotation, seawater, copper, molybdenum, sodium metabisulfite

The present research aimed to examine the effectiveness of sodium metabisulfite (Na2S2O5) as a copper depressant in the process of selective Cu-Mo flotation in seawater, specifically under weakly acidic and neutral pH conditions. The experimental findings demonstrated that the implementation of 3.6 kg/t Na2S2O5 in seawater at a pH of 5.5 resulted in a substantial decrease in copper recovery, reducing it from 97% to 11% and led to a little decline in molybdenum recovery, from 98% to 94%. Consequently, the Cu-Mo separation efficiency was determined to be 83%. These flotation data demonstrate that Na2S2O5 treatment in seawater preferentially decreased the floatability of copper minerals, leading molybdenum to be separated under weakly acidic conditions.




