The 9th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling

Presentation information

Poster Session

B. Challenges in the Multiscale Modelling of Radiation Effects in Nuclear Materials

[PO-B2] Poster Session 2

Symposium B

Wed. Oct 31, 2018 5:45 PM - 8:00 PM Poster Hall

[P2-11] Kinetic Monte-Carlo Simulations of Radiation Damage in W(Re,Os) Alloys

Matthew James Lloyd1,2, David Armstrong1, Enrique Martinez Saez3, Duc Nguyen-Manh2 (1.Department of Materials, University of Oxford, UK, 2.Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, UK, 3.Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States of America)

The realisation of fusion energy is dependant on the development of high performance materials that can withstand the extreme conditions that they will be subjected to. The plasma facing components of a fusion reactor will experience a combination of high thermal loading (~10MWm-2) and an intense flux of both 14MeV neutrons and high energy He/H ions (~5-20dpa/yr), meaning they will have to operate at very high temperatures (~1300 K). Tungsten is currently the leading candidate material due to its high melting temperature (~3695K); good thermal conductivity (~150Wm-1K-1) and resistance to sputtering (Eth=200eV). But at such a high neutron flux, transmutation of W in a fusion reactor is significant, resulting in several at.% Re, Os and Ta over the lifetime of the reactor. Precipitation of Re and Os has been observed well below their solubility limit in W, resulting in embrittlement, hardening, and a reduction in thermal conductivity.

The research presented examines irradiated W-(Re,Os,Ta) alloy systems, using a combination of DFT parametrised, multicomponent atomistic kinetic Monte-Carlo (AKMC) modelling, and high resolution nanoscale characterisation techniques such as atom probe tomography (APT). The role of interstitial defects in W-Re and W-Os is thought to play an important role in precipitation, because of the low rotation energy of the W-Re/W-Os mixed dumbbell. This enables the 3D transport of solute atoms, that would otherwise be confined to the <111> direction. We present a multicomponent kinetic Monte Carlo model, incorporating both vacancy and interstitial defects, and solute concentration dependant interactions. The predictions made by our model are supported by APT data of W-Re and W-Os alloys irradiated at high temperature, using W ions.