The 9th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling



E. Deformation and Fracture Mechanism of Materials

[SY-E5] Symposium E-5

2018年10月31日(水) 09:45 〜 11:00 Room2

Chairs: Anthony D Rollett(Carnegie Mellon University, United States of America), Evgeniya Kabliman(Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria)

[SY-E5] Strong coupling of deformation and microstructure/microchemistry evolution in hot compression tests

Evgeniya Kabliman1, Johannes Kronsteiner1, Ernst Kozeschnik2 (1.Light Metals Technologies Ranshofen, Center for Low-Emission Transport, Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria, 2.Institute of Materials Science and Technology, TU Wien, Austria)

When material deformation occurs at elevated temperatures, one has to take into account the simultaneous evolution of grain, sub-grain structure and microchemistry (dissolution and precipitation of phase particles). In the present work, we present current results on the implementation of a computational strong coupling scheme between material deformation and microchemistry/microstructure evolution. For this purpose, we introduce a Dyna2Micro Material Model, which is implemented into a Finite Element Code (LS-DYNA of LSTC) and allows a simultaneous calculation of the (sub)-grain structure and phase kinetics at every integration point and time step. Dynamic processes, such as, work hardening and recovery are calculated by using a dislocation based model (MD2 Model) implemented into a user defined subroutine, while the phase dissolution and precipitation is calculated by the thermo-kinetic software package MatCalc. Computational efficiency is realized by a new remote control feature implemented in MatCalc specially developed for this project as command interface between the user subroutine and a running MatCalc session. The simulations are checked by simulation of multi-step hot compression tests using a 3D axisymmetric cylindrical model of samples according to the experimental set up. For the material, we choose an Al-Cu-Mg alloy, where precipitation and dissolution of Al2Cu and Al2CuMg is considered. The whole simulation process from solidification, pre-heat treatment, deformation and post heat treatment is then controlled by the SProC (Smart Process Control) Toolkit.