Materials Research Meeting 2021


Poster Session

D. Frontiers of Advanced Electronic Materials » [D-5] Properties and Characterizations of Functional Surfaces and Interfaces

[D5-PV21] Slot 21

2021年12月13日(月) 18:30 〜 20:00 D5-PV21 (online)

18:30 〜 20:00

*Haruki Kusaka1, Ryota Ishibiki1, Masayuki Toyoda2, Takeshi Fujita3, Tomoharu Tokunaga4, Akiyasu Yamamoto5,6, Masashi Miyakawa7, Kyosuke Matsushita8, Keisuke Miyazaki9, Linghui Li Satish Laxman Shinde1,10, Takeaki Sakurai11,12, Eiji Nishibori12,13, Takuya Masuda8, Koji Horiba14, Kenji Watanabe7, Susumu Saito15,6,2, Masahiro Miyauchi9, Takashi Taniguchi16, Hideo Hosono16,6, Takahiro Kondo6,10,12 (1. Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Univ. of Tsukuba (Japan), 2. Department of Physics, Tokyo Inst. of Tech. (Japan), 3. School of Environmental Sci. and Engineering, Kochi Univ. of Tech. (Japan), 4. Graduate School of Engineering Materials Design Innovation Engineering, Nagoya Univ. (Japan), 5. Inst. of Engineering, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Tech. (Japan), 6. Materials Research Centre for Element Strategy, Tokyo Inst. of Tech. (Japan), 7. Res. Center for Functional Materials, National Inst. for Materials Sci. (Japan), 8. Center for Green Research on Energy and Environmental Materials, National Institute for Materials Science (Japan), 9. Department of Materials Sci. and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Tech., Tokyo Inst. of Tech. (Japan), 10. Department of Materials Sci., Faculty of Pure and Applied Sci. (Japan), 11. Department of Applied Sci., Faculty of Pure and Applied Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba (Japan), 12. Tsukuba Res. Center for Energy Materials Sci., Faculty of Pure and Applied Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba (Japan), 13. Department of Physics, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba (Japan), 14. Condensed Matter Res. Center and Photon Factory, Inst. of Materials Structure Sci., High Energy Accelerator Res. Organization (KEK) (Japan), 15. Advanced Res. Center for Quantum Physics and NanoSci., Tokyo Inst. of Tech. (Japan), 16. Int’l. Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, National Inst. for Materials Sci. (Japan))

18:30 〜 20:00

*Kohei Aso1, Shotaro Yoshimaru2, Hirokazu Kobayashi3, Miho Yamauchi2,4, Hiroshi Kitagawa3, Syo Matsumura2,5, Yoshifumi Oshima1 (1. Japan Advanced Inst. of Sci. and Tech. (Japan), 2. Kyushu Univ. (Japan), 3. Kyoto Univ. (Japan), 4. Int'l. Inst. for Carbon-Neutral Energy Res. (Japan), 5. The Ultramicroscopy Res. Center (Japan))





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