
Poster Session

B. Energy » [B-1] Thermoelectric Materials for Sustainable Development

[B1-P303] Poster 303

2023年12月13日(水) 16:30 〜 18:30 Poster (Annex)

[B1-P303-31] Thermoelectric Properties of Sb2Te3-based Ferecrystals based on Atomic Layer Deposition

*Kornelius Nielsch1,2,3, Jun Yang1, Dongho Shin1, Sebastian Lehmann1, Amin Bahrami1 (1. Leibniz IFW Dresden (Germany), 2. Inst. of Applied Phys., Technical Univ. of Dresden (Germany), 3. Inst. of Materials Science, Technical Univ. of Dresden (Germany))

キーワード:Ferecrystal, Atomic Layer Deposition, Sb2Te3, ZT Chip, 2D Materials, Topological Insulator

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