
Poster Session

G. Process » [G-4] Advanced smart processing

[G4-P401] Poster 401

2023年12月14日(木) 10:00 〜 12:00 Poster (Annex)

[G4-P401-03] Directional Tuning of Carrier Polarity in Ambipolar Organic Transistors Based on Diketopyrrolopyrrole and Bithiophene Imide Dual-Acceptor Semiconducting Polymers Through Ionic Additive Strategy

*Waner He1, Qian Liu2, Prashant Sonar3, Aung Ko Ko Kyaw2, Tsuyoshi Michinobu1 (1. Tokyo Inst.of Tech. (Japan), 2. Southern Univ.of Sci. and Tech. (China), 3. Queensland Univ. of Tech. (Australia))

キーワード:Semiconducting polymers, Dual-acceptor, Ionic additive, Ambipolar organic transistor

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