
Poster Session

C. Environment » [C-4] Advanced Water Treatment and Materials for SDGs

[C4-P303] Poster 303

2023年12月13日(水) 16:30 〜 18:30 Poster (Annex)

[C4-P303-10] Growth of Plant with Low Potassium Using Anti-algae Plasma-activated Water

*Himeno Ito1,2, Ken Mizoi1,2, Xiaoyang Wang2, Katsuya Teshima2,3, Chiaki Terashima1,2,3 (1. Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Sci. and Tech. , Tokyo Univ. of Sci. (Japan), 2. Res. Center for Space System Innovation, Res. Institute for Sci. and Tech. , Tokyo Univ. of Sci. (Japan), 3. Res. Initiative for Supra-Materials, Shinshu Univ. (Japan))

キーワード:SDGs, Underwater plasma, Plasma-activated water, Anti-algae effect, Low potassium

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