
Oral Session

D. Electronic » [D-1] Synthesis, Processing and Characterization of Nanoscale and Functional Oxide Films -7th E-MRS & MRS-J Bilateral Symposium

[D1-O401] Oral 401

2023年12月14日(木) 09:00 〜 12:00 Session 11 (Room B-2)

Chair: Yasunobu Ando (AIST), Koji Horiba (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)

11:15 〜 11:30

[D1-O401-08] In Operando XAFS on Local Structure and Electronic State of Tungsten Oxide Nanoparticles with Different Crystal Structures under Electrochromism

*Mari Takahashi1, Yuki Kitazaki1, Masafumi Harada2, Shinya Maenosono1 (1. Japan Advanced Inst. of Sci. and Tech. (Japan), 2. Nara Women's Univ. (Japan))

キーワード:Electrochromism, Nanoparticles, Tungsten oxide, XAFS

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