
Oral Session

F. Functional & Structural » [F-1] Future prospect of DX-driven development in structural materials

[F1-O401] Oral 401

2023年12月14日(木) 09:00 〜 12:00 Session 13 (Room I)

Chair: Katsunari Oikawa (Tohoku Univ.), Kenji Nagata (National Institute for Materials Science)

11:00 〜 11:20

[F1-O401-05] Topological Data Analysis of Complex Metal Structure in SEM Images and Construction of Regression Models for Mechanical Properties

*Kazuto Akagi1, Yasumasa Nishiura1 (1. Tohoku Univ. (Japan))

キーワード:topological data analysis, persistent homology, SEM, dual phase steel, tensile strength

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