○Aleksandar Videnovic (Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School)
International Education Course
[IE-01] Essential knowledge and recent topics on neurological sleep-related disorders
2018年5月23日(水) 13:20 〜 15:10 第11会場 (ロイトン札幌2F クリスタル・ルームA)
座長:小栗 卓也(公立陶生病院神経内科), 平田 幸一(獨協医科大学神経内科)
This session aims to provide neurologists with knowledge on sleep-related disorders that are essential to their clinical practice. The session consists of four major topics in this field; circadian rhythm sleep disorders in neurodegenerative diseases, RLS, hypersomnia and RBD. Each topic begin with its basic knowledge such as clinical features, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment. Following the introduction, recent advance in basic or clinical researches in each topic is to be presented. Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to obtain the knowledge on these sleep-related disorders that are useful for their daily practice.
○鈴木 圭輔 (獨協医科大学病院 神経内科)
○神林 崇1,2, 今西 彩1, 大森 佑貴1, 佐川 洋平1, 吉沢 和久1, 小野 太輔1, 高橋 裕哉1, 竹島 正浩1, 筒井 幸1, 清水 徹男1,2 (1.秋田大学精神科学分野, 2.筑波大学睡眠研究機構)
○立花 直子1,2 (1.関西電力病院 睡眠関連疾患センター, 2.関西電力医学研究所 睡眠医学研究部)