○Francisco Cardoso (UFMG)
International Education Course
[IE-02] Movement disorders in general neurology
2018年5月24日(木) 15:20 〜 17:20 第11会場 (ロイトン札幌2F クリスタル・ルームA)
座長:山本 光利(高松神経内科クリニック), Francisco Cardoso(UFMG, Brazil)
It is essential knowledge about secondary movement disorders caused by drugs, various medical diseases including not only neurodegenerative disorders, but also infectious and autoimmune diseases. We learn phenomenology of MD , and how to diagnose and treat through video cases. This is essential for neurologists and physicians at daily clinical practice.
○飯塚 高浩 (北里大学医学部神経内科学)
○下 泰司 (順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院 脳神経内科)
○Eduard Tolosa (Emeritus Professor at the university of Barcelona)