


[HT-09] Critical care in epilepsy

2019年5月24日(金) 13:45 〜 15:45 第10会場 (大阪国際会議場12F グラントック)

座長:池田 昭夫(京都大学大学院医学研究科てんかん・運動異常生理学講座), 木下 真幸子(独立行政法人国立病院機構宇多野病院神経内科)

Epilepsy is defined as the chronic disease mostly characterized by recurrent seizures, and frequently it also leads to the emergency situation such as status epilepticus or frequent seizures. Recently, new-onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE) or super-refractory non-convulsive status epilepticus were documented and its cause and treatment remain to be solved. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy(SUDEP)is also needed to be studied for its cause and prevention. Clinically in the real world situation, psychogenic non-epileptic seizure (PNES) also occurs not infrequently that make the situation more complicated, and thus precise diagnosis and treatment is essential in critical care in epilepsy care. In this session, the above topics will be discussed together and finally it will provide the audience with updated clinical knowledge in daily epilepsy and seizure care.

Lawrence J. Hirsch (Professor of Neurology and Chief of Epilepsy/EEG at Yale University, USA)

Epilepsy is defined as the chronic disease mostly characterized by recurrent seizures, and frequently it also leads to the emergency situation such as status epilepticus or frequent seizures. Recently, new-onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE) or super-refractory non-convulsive status epilepticus were documented and its cause and treatment remain to be solved. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy(SUDEP)is also needed to be studied for its cause and prevention. Clinically in the real world situation, psychogenic non-epileptic seizure (PNES) also occurs not infrequently that make the situation more complicated, and thus precise diagnosis and treatment is essential in critical care in epilepsy care. In this session, the above topics will be discussed together and finally it will provide the audience with updated clinical knowledge in daily epilepsy and seizure care.

加藤 量広 (石巻赤十字病院)

Epilepsy is defined as the chronic disease mostly characterized by recurrent seizures, and frequently it also leads to the emergency situation such as status epilepticus or frequent seizures. Recently, new-onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE) or super-refractory non-convulsive status epilepticus were documented and its cause and treatment remain to be solved. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy(SUDEP)is also needed to be studied for its cause and prevention. Clinically in the real world situation, psychogenic non-epileptic seizure (PNES) also occurs not infrequently that make the situation more complicated, and thus precise diagnosis and treatment is essential in critical care in epilepsy care. In this session, the above topics will be discussed together and finally it will provide the audience with updated clinical knowledge in daily epilepsy and seizure care.

打田 佑人1,2, 加藤 大輔1,3, 松川 則之1 (1.名古屋市立大学大学院 神経内科学, 2.豊川市民病院 神経内科, 3.マウントサイナイ医科大学 精神神経科学)

Epilepsy is defined as the chronic disease mostly characterized by recurrent seizures, and frequently it also leads to the emergency situation such as status epilepticus or frequent seizures. Recently, new-onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE) or super-refractory non-convulsive status epilepticus were documented and its cause and treatment remain to be solved. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy(SUDEP)is also needed to be studied for its cause and prevention. Clinically in the real world situation, psychogenic non-epileptic seizure (PNES) also occurs not infrequently that make the situation more complicated, and thus precise diagnosis and treatment is essential in critical care in epilepsy care. In this session, the above topics will be discussed together and finally it will provide the audience with updated clinical knowledge in daily epilepsy and seizure care.

神 一敬 (東北大学大学院 てんかん学分野)

Epilepsy is defined as the chronic disease mostly characterized by recurrent seizures, and frequently it also leads to the emergency situation such as status epilepticus or frequent seizures. Recently, new-onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE) or super-refractory non-convulsive status epilepticus were documented and its cause and treatment remain to be solved. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy(SUDEP)is also needed to be studied for its cause and prevention. Clinically in the real world situation, psychogenic non-epileptic seizure (PNES) also occurs not infrequently that make the situation more complicated, and thus precise diagnosis and treatment is essential in critical care in epilepsy care. In this session, the above topics will be discussed together and finally it will provide the audience with updated clinical knowledge in daily epilepsy and seizure care.

谷口 豪, 藤岡 真生, 岡村 由美子, 近藤 伸一, 笠井 清登 (東京大学医学部附属病院 精神神経科)

Epilepsy is defined as the chronic disease mostly characterized by recurrent seizures, and frequently it also leads to the emergency situation such as status epilepticus or frequent seizures. Recently, new-onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE) or super-refractory non-convulsive status epilepticus were documented and its cause and treatment remain to be solved. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy(SUDEP)is also needed to be studied for its cause and prevention. Clinically in the real world situation, psychogenic non-epileptic seizure (PNES) also occurs not infrequently that make the situation more complicated, and thus precise diagnosis and treatment is essential in critical care in epilepsy care. In this session, the above topics will be discussed together and finally it will provide the audience with updated clinical knowledge in daily epilepsy and seizure care.