[S-04-4] Japanese ADNI: from biomarkers to disease-modifying therapy
In recent advance of Alzheimer research field, development of tau imaging and novel plasma biomarkers provide new prospect of clinical research and drug development. In this symposium, four presentators will be presenting and discussing on diagnostic biomarkers and their impacts on the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.

Takeshi Iwatsubo is a Professor of Neuropathology at the School of Medicine, University of Tokyo. He has contributed to the studies of neurodegenerative disorders, especially Alzheimer’s and Parkinson disease, using multidisciplinary approaches. He demonstrated that Aβ42 is the initially deposited species in senile plaque amyloid, and elucidated the process of γ-secretase complex formation. He has identified alpha-synuclein, especially a hyperphoshorylated form, is a component of Lewy bodies. On the clinical front, Iwatsubo has been serving as the PI of Japanese AD Neuroimaging Initiative (J-ADNI), aiming at establishing standard surrogate markers for clinical trials of disease-modifying therapies for AD. Iwatsubo was awarded with MetLife Foundation 2008 Award for Medical Research、Alzheimer’s Association Henry Wisniewski Lifetime Achievement Award 2010, and 2012 Potamkin Prize for Research in Pick’s, Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Diseases from the American Academy of Neurology.
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