

Emerging Asian Neurology Session

[Em-01] Emerging Asian Neurology Session 01
Emerging Asian Neurology Session 01 for Stroke and the Neurosciences

2020年8月31日(月) 13:30 〜 15:00 第10会場 (岡山県医師会館 2F 三木記念ホール)

座長:阿部 康二(岡山大学医学部脳神経内科),Tan Kay Sin(Kuala Lumpur University)

[Em-01-3] MicroRNA in acute ischaemic stroke: biomarker and therapeutic potential

Kay Sin Tan (Division of Neurology, Dept of Medicine, University of Malaya)

Asian countries are the emerging area of the world not only in economy and culture, but also neurology and neurosceince. This symposium focuses on several neurology topics especially emerging areas of neurology in the emerging Asian countries. Session 1 will focus on Stroke and the Neurosciences with world famous neuroogists and neuroscientists from Asia and USA. Session 2 will focus on Dementia and stem cell therapy with world famous neuroogists and neuroscientists again from Asia and USA.

Dr Tan Kay Sin is Professor and Senior Consultant Neurologist in the Dept. of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Melbourne in Australia and completed internal medicine, neurology as well as neurosonology certifications. He is also one of the first Malaysian experts in neurosonology and stroke neurology, following the completion of a stroke fellowship in the United States(2002-3) and continued specialization in this area. Professionally, he is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh), Fellow of the Academy of Medicine Malaysia and Fellow of the Academy of Sciences(Malaysia). He is the current President of the Asia Pacific Stroke Organization(APSO) and served in the Asia Pacific Stroke Organization Executive Council from 2016. He was also the past President of the Malaysian Society of Neurosciences. Apart from his regular teaching as well as clinical duties in the stroke unit and in the stroke thrombolysis rota, he has published widely in many peer reviewed journals in neurology and stroke. Professor Tan’s current research interests and publications include transcranial Doppler ultrasound, microemboli detection, clinical trials, biomarkers of cerebral ischaemia and strokes in young adults.

