

Neuroscience Frontier Symposium

[NFS-03] Neuroscience Frontier Symposium 03 Reassessment APOE4 in Alzheimer's disease

2021年5月20日(木) 16:15 〜 18:15 第5会場 (国立京都国際会館 2F Room B-1)

座長:松川 則之(名古屋市立大学神経内科),坂井 健二(金沢大学附属病院脳神経内科)

The APOE4 is the highest genetic risk factor for sporadic Alzheimer's disease. The frequency of the APOE4 allele is high in the general population. Thus, there is a significant impact on Alzheimer's disease. Elucidating the role of APOE4 in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease would be important. It may also lead to the treatment of Alzheimer's disease that does not associate with APOE4. However, the involvement of APOE4 in the pathogenesis of the Alzheimer's disease has long been shrouded in mystery. Nearly 30 years after its discovery, new aspects for APOE4 participation in Alzheimer's disease's pathogenesis have recently come to light. In this symposium, we will present the remarkable recent advances in the involvement of APOE4 in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, and we hope to give the audience a sense of the trends in this area of research.