[NFS-03-1] 日本の百寿者を対象とした大規模調査解析にみる百年生存後の性差に対するAPOEε4アレルの影響

M.D., Keio University, School of Medicine (2003)
Ph.D., Keio University, Graduate School of Medicine (2008)
Instructor, Department of Neurology, Keio University School of Medicine (2020-present)
Project Instructor, Center for Supercentenarian Medical Research, Keio University School of Medicine (2018-2020)
Assistant, Department of Physiology, Keio University School of Medicine (2016-2018)
Physician / Neurologist, Department of Neurology, Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital (2016-2018)
Research fellow / JSPS overseas research fellow, Harvard Medical School / Boston Children's Hospital (2013-2016)
Startup award, Keio University Global Research Institute (2020)
Selected key poster, Harvard Stem Cell Institute (2016)
Sanshi-kai Incentive Award, Sanshi-kai, Keio University School of Medicine (2011)
Top Cited Article Award (2008-2010), Neuroscience Research (2010)
Chairman Award of Keio University, School of Medicine (2000)