


[SL-01] 特別講演01

2021年5月21日(金) 14:40 〜 15:25 第4会場 (国立京都国際会館 2F Room A)

座長:山田 正仁(金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科脳老化・神経病態学(脳神経内科学))

[SL-01-1] Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and Alzheimer Disease: One Peptide, Two Pathways

Steven M. Greenberg (Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School)

Dr. Steven M. Greenberg is Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, Vice Chair of Neurology, and holds the John J Conway Endowed Chair in Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital. Under Dr. Greenberg’s leadership, the MGH Hemorrhagic Stroke Research Program has become internationally recognized for ground-breaking studies on the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of the major small vessel disease cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). Among Dr. Greenberg’s milestones in the CAA field have been developing and validating the widely adopted Boston Criteria, applying amyloid imaging to CAA detection, characterizing the syndrome of CAA-related inflammation, and designing the foundation for the first CAA immunotherapy treatment trial. Dr. Greenberg is also a leader in the broader stroke and vascular cognitive impairment fields, receiving the 2017 AHA Feinberg Award and serving as PI of the NIH-funded MarkVCID consortium for biomarkers of vascular cognitive impairment, co-PI of the NIH-funded DISCOVERY network for post-stroke cognitive impairment and dementia, and multiple additional national bodies. Among Dr. Greenberg’s >300 original reports and >90 review articles/chapters are authoritative review publications in Lancet Neurology on microbleeds (2009), microinfarcts (2012), and outcome markers for CAA trials (2014) and in Nature Review Neurology on the relationship between CAA and Alzheimer disease (2020).

