*minami mizuno1, Toma Adachi1, Kentaro Ichijo2, Tomoo Owa3, Satoshi Miyashita1, Ikuko Hasegawa1, Kyoka Suyama1, Ji Kaiyuan1, Yukiko Inoue1, Takuro Nakamura4, Takayoshi Inoue1, Mikio Hoshino1
(1. Dept of Biochem. and Cell. Biol, Natl. Ctr. Of Neurol. And Psychiatry (NCNP), 2. Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, 3. Graduate School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Osaka University, 4. Cancer Institute, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research)
Keywords:Cerebellar development, MEIS1, Bergmann glia, Oligodendroglia