
Late-Breaking Abstracts

C. 感覚系と運動系

[3P] 39 感覚-運動統合

2024年7月26日(金) 12:50 〜 13:50 ポスター会場 (マリンメッセ福岡 B館)

[3P-425] Neural response in the rat auditory cortex to externally triggered own vocalizations by electric stimulations of midbrain vocal control area

*Amarbayasgalant Badarch1, Chinzorig Choijiljav1, Tsuyoshi Setogawa1,2, Hisao Nishijo1,3, Hiroshi Nishimaru1,2, Jumpei Matsumoto1,2 (1. System Emotional Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan, 2. Research Center for Idling Brain Science (RCIBS), University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan, 3. Department of Sports and Health, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of East Asia, Shimonoseki, Japan)

キーワード:corollary discharge, self-agency, speech-induced suppression , ultrasonic vocalizations

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