The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society / The 1st CJK International Meeting

Presentation information


H. Disorders of Nervous Systems and Treatment

[2P] Genomic Medicine and Gene Therapy

Thu. Jul 29, 2021 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM Poster & Exhibition (1F, No.2 Bldg., Exhibition Hall)

[2P-132] Widespread gene transduction to neurons in neonatal nonhuman primate brains by systemic delivery of mosaic AAV vectors

Industry-Academia Collaboration Presentation

〇Ken-ichi Inoue1, Kei Kimura1, Tetsu Yoshida2, Soshi Tanabe1, Maki Fujiwara1, Rui Ueno1, Yu Takata1, Takaaki Kaneko1, Yuri Shinomoto2, Mayuko Nakano1, Emiko Tanaka1, Eri Sumiya1, Hideyuki Okano2, Masahiko Takada1 (1.Sys Neurosci Sec, Primate Res Inst, Kyoto Univ, 2.Marmoset Neural Architecture, CBS, RIKEN)

Keywords:Adeno-associated virus, Primate, Animal Model, Gene Therapy

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