
Oral Sessions

O4. Optical Active Devices and Modules

[ThF1] Semiconductor Lasers

2019年7月11日(木) 09:15 〜 10:30 Room F (412, 4F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)

Presider: Hideki Yagi (Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Japan)

09:45 〜 10:00

[ThF1-2] Distributed Feedback Lasers with Two-layer Phase-shifted Moiré Gratings

〇Yen-Chieh Wang1, Rih-You Chen1, Ping-Feng Hsieh1, Yung-Sheng Wang2, Wei Lin2, Yi-Jen Chiu1, Yung-Jr Hung1 (1National Sun Yat-sen Univ., Taiwan, 2LandMark Optoelectronics Corporation, Taiwan)

キーワード:Semiconductor lasers, Moiré gratings, Laser interference lithography

We demonstrate DFB lasers with a holographic-generated two-layer moiré grating. The resulting DFB lasers exhibit stable single wavelength operation (> 40 dB SMSR) at its Bragg wavelength and superior static and dynamic device performance.

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