
Oral Sessions

P1. Photonics in Switching Technologies, Systems, and Architectures for Communications and Networking

[WF2] Optical Signal Functionalization IV

2019年7月10日(水) 11:00 〜 12:30 Room F (412, 4F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)

Presiders: Pengyu Guan (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark), Tsuyoshi Konishi (Osaka University, Japan)

12:15 〜 12:30

[WF2-5] 56 Gb/s All-Optical Wavelength Conversion based on a Photonic Integrated Turbo-Switch

Adnan A. E. Hajomer1, Francesca Bontempi2, Nicola Andriolli3, Claudio Porzi3, Weisheng Hu1, Xulein Yang1, 〇Giampiero Contestabile3 (1Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., China, 2CNIT, Italy, 3Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy)

キーワード:Photonic integrated technologies for compact and low power consumption switching subsystems and modules , Photonic integrated circuits, Semiconductor optical amplifiers

On-chip all-optical wavelength conversion of 56 Gbit/s non-return-to-zero signals in an integrated SOA-based turbo-switch is demonstrated. A power penalty of 2.6 dB (5 dB) at BER of 10-6 is achieved for down- (up-) conversion.

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