
Poster Sessions

Poster Sessions

[WP4-C] Poster Session 2

2019年7月10日(水) 15:00 〜 16:30 Room H (2F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)

15:00 〜 16:30

[WP4-C3] Noise-Suppressed Distributed Brillouin Sensing Using Plastic Optical Fibers

〇Heeyoung Lee1, Yosuke Mizuno1, Neisei Hayashi2, Kentaro Nakamura1 (1Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 2The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)

キーワード:Fiber sensing, Fiber characterization and measurement techniques

We develop a new noise suppression technique to perform distributed strain and temperature sensing based on Brillouin optical correlation-domain reflectometry even when plastic optical fibers are used as sensing fibers.

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