前島伸一郎 (藤田保健衛生大学医学部リハビリテーション医学II講座)
[SSM4] 企画セミナー4
神経機能とその局在について学んでみよう!③ 前頭葉と小脳の機能連関
2017年6月16日(金) 14:10 〜 15:10 第6会場 (10F 会議室1009)
Although much attention has been paid on the pathogenetic influence of frontal functions on neurodevelopmental disorders, the cerebellar has also become a noteworthy region lately. New knowledge about cerebellar functions other than motor control, relatively implicit and complicated functions of frontal cortex and especially about connectivity of frontal lobe, cerebellar and basal ganglia might be a must for child neurologists who treat neurodevelopmental disorders and brain injuries.