OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024


ALPS2024 » Oral Presentation

Novel optical materials/structure and applications (4)

2024年4月23日(火) 10:15 〜 11:45 511+512 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

Session Chairs: Kentaro Miyata (RIKEN), Shunsuke Kurosawa (Tohoku University)

10:45 〜 11:00

[ALPS15-02] Improvement of efficiency of walk-off compensated β-BaB2O4 using room-temperature bonding

*Shion Naito1, Tomoya Tanaka1, Ichiro Shoji1 (1. Chuo University)

We found that only one of four manufacturers could fabricate β-BaB2O4 plates with small deviations from the phase-matching angle. Walk-off compensating structures using these plates improved the wavelength-conversion efficiencies.

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