OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024


BISC2024 » Poster Presentation

BISC Poster Session

2024年4月25日(木) 13:30 〜 15:00 Hall A (Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall)

[BISCp-06] Estimation of skin tissue parameters using heat map in data mining.

*Rei Nishimura1, Hikaru Tamura1, Atsumu Miyatsu1, Tomonori Yuasa1, Kumiko Kikuchi2, Yoshihisa Aizu1 (1. Muroran Institute of Technology, 2. Shiseido Co. Ltd., MIRAI Tech. Inst.)

We used Monte Carlo simulations to study spectral reflectance in human skin tissue. Estimating skin tissue parameters like absorption and scattering coefficients from data-mined spectra is crucial to understanding skin conditions. Our novel method, employing heat maps, accurately estimates these coefficients and was validated against conventional methods.

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