OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024


LSSE2024 » Oral Presentation

Space Technology 1

2024年4月25日(木) 09:17 〜 10:47 316 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

Session Chair: Toshikazu Ebisuzaki (RIKEN), Tadanori Fukushima (Orbital Lasers)

09:47 〜 10:17

[LSSE8-02(Invited)] Free Space OptComm as a Solution for Further Growth of the Earth Observation Industry

*Hirokazu Mori1 (1. WARPSPACE CSO)

This presentation intends to introduce the Earth observation (EO) industry and use cases of EO data, the bottleneck in the EO industry, and free space optical communication technology as one of the solutions.

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