OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024


OMC2024 » Poster Presentation

OMC Poster Session

2024年4月25日(木) 13:30 〜 15:00 Hall A (Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall)

[OMCp-03] Realization of Arbitrary Caustic Engineering via 3D-printed Metasurfaces

*Xiaoyan Zhou1,2,3, Hongtao Wang2,3, Shuxi Liu1, Hao Wang3, John You En Chan3, Cheng-Feng Pan2,3, Daomu Zhao1, Joel K. W. Yang3, Cheng-Wei Qiu2 (1. Zhejiang University, 2. National university of singapore, 3. Singapore university of technology and design)

By introducing the "compensation phase" via 3D-printed metasurfaces, we sculpt caustic fields with arbitrary propagation trajectories in free space. During propagation, the in-plane caustic patterns can either be preserved or morphed from one shape to another.

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